SDU RIO | Enhanced implant technology | Drug delivery system | DDS | Business development | Quantified value proposition | Business case
Dr Chris Halling Dreyer and Professor Ming Ding, University of Southern Denmark (SDU) have invented a combined coating and drug delivery system for implants. This is in response to the risk and problems associated with implant complications and re-surgery.
The innovation offers: Improved bone tissue formation, regeneration of bone tissue on demand, enhanced ingrowth of new bone and stabilization of inserted implants.
My task for SDU Research and Innovation Organization was to identify stakeholders and quantify the value proposition of a novel patent protected coating of orthopedic implants.
In addition, the task included identification of key underlying forces for relevance of the technology and its quantified value to key stakeholders.
The core outcome of the business case research was: The reduction of re-surgery rates can justify an attractive technology pricing and still be overall cost-saving for the payers.
Cost-saving for hospitals can be obtained even without reimbursement.
And very importantly, the innovations can additionally be “value creating” for patients by preventing complications and re-surgery.