SDU RIO | Interim Business Development | Camera Pill | Cancer detection | Spin-out | External Innovation

The Camera pill + AI and image analytics enable detection of cancer in gastrointestinal tract. A founder team of university hospital chief physician, university researchers and health data management specialist had explored the clinical opportunities in the innovation.

Our task was to review the venture case of university spinout – and engage the inventor team in a potential spinout.

Core was the potential opportunity of the innovation as a patient convenient alternative to endoscopy – and allowing better exploitation of hospital personnel and resources.

Completing the task included:
• Inventor team dialogue and research on project history and patient data
• Business case development for venture case
• Identify unique innovation and position to commercialize
• Identify key elements and steps in a commercialization
• Engage university and hospital inventor team to pursue university spin out

Outcome: The proposed spinout was realized as Stratos AI. The company provides AI-powered patient stratification and an innovative camera pill for full digestive tract analysis.