FeJuice | Anemia | Formulations for Iron-uptake | Food supplements | Partnering strategy | Business Coaching

Anemia affects 30% of world’s population, and mainly caused by lack of iron in the blood. Pregnant women are mostly affected. Iron supplements are widely used, but have low absorption and numerous side effects like constipation, nausea and stomach ache. FeJuice increases absorption and reduces side effects. FeJuice formats: Snack bar, powder drink, puree, freeze-dried snack or smoothie.

The management team chose me as EU-sponsored Business Coach.

I reviewed all prior presentations and grant application materials.

In a series of prepared coaching sessions we defined the core of the innovation and strategic B2B partnering options and deal types. Corporate partnering activity was supported with slidedeck updates and key deal concepts and terms.

Testimonial from FeJuice is available.